
Bad air time!!!

What and how can the natural phenomenon of 'inversion of temperature lapse rate' of the season make us harm ourselves!!!???!! The mountain of 'Doi Suthep' in the city of Chiang Mai of northern Thailand has just completely disappeared from the background!! A comparison of the photos in the rainy season of eight months ago and the photo taken today March 14th, 2021.  There's an old Sansakrit proverb much adoredby modern-day meditator: "For breathe is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth." 😂 So take a good breath breath breath anyway 😊 although the natural phenomenon of the 'inversion of temperature lapse rate' is so strong presently in the north causing the air to be full of haze, smoke, ashes, dusts, micro particulate matters, fume, etc.!! But, what actually is the inversion of temperature lapse rate phenomenon? and how does it occur? Of course there's a scientific explanation in the subject of Meteorology and Atmospheric